I'll be teaching on a quilting cruise hosted by Stitchin Heaven, with fellow teachers Carol Doak and Eileen Sullivan, in March 2012, with stops in the Carribean. It's a paper foundation piecing cruise! So, instead oh having everyone make three different projects, each of us made a row for "our" cruise project. Mine is the top row! I finished it at our quilt retreat at the cabin.

Our quilting group, Designing Women, had a blast, sewing, eating, and . . . . .
hiking! Three of us brought our fur-kids. This is Mary C and Pogo.

And, Mr. Gab, the most excellent hiker. Hard to photograph though, since he's a dark charcoal gray, hence his full name, Gabbro. It means igneous rock.

This is Donna, who owns Cathy C. She was the newest dog to the group, only having been rescued within the last twelve months.

Miss Elaenia, formerly a puppy mill breeder, came to live with me about 18 months ago. She hikes well, but would prefer to be a couch potato.

At the overlook, looking down into the Jemez Valley, lies this intricately woven piece of wood that suspends a rock above the earth.

Debbie Caffrey is the newest member of our group. She joined in January 2010. She is an outstanding chef! We ate way too much! Good thing we went hiking.

In our group, we do have a few rules. Here, Michele was awared the No Whining button. Guess what she did to earn it! She has to keep it until someone else in the group whines in her presence, AND she has the button in her possession at the time. She might have it a long time. Harriet owned the button for two years before passing it on. I love our retreats!